January 5, 2020 to May 10, 2020

January 5, 2020 to May 10, 2020

This sermon series looks at the controversial topics of 20th century American culture, and what the Bible says about them

In the Beginning

As we begin a new series, Pastor Doug tells us that we have a certain place in the heart of the Father. While we are placed higher than the rest of His creation, we are still to submit to His authority.


The world wants us to be ignorant of sin, so we don’t confront it. Do you believe that sin impacts your relationships and your ability to love those around you? The Bible never ranks sin, so there is no ranking for sinners. We all equally need a savior.


As we look forward to the next calendar year, we discuss how we intend to handle the time, talents, and treasures with which we have been blessed.


When we encounter suffering in our lives, we need to remember that God often uses pain in our lives to slow us down and tell us to wait on Him. The best ways to get through suffering is to remember that God is good, He is in control, and that He has eternal details in mind when we have no idea. All suffering ultimately ends with the glory of God.


God designed the world to work in a certain way. The instructions He has given to us are meant to tell us how His creation works best. Pastor Ben explains that gender roles were designed for a good and holy reason.


What is it that we look to in times of trouble? It should be the hope of our salvation. How, then, do we apply this to our everyday lives?

Eternal Security

Sin causes frustration in the world, because we know that we should have more. Through all the suffering and pain in our lives, our hope is to be in Christ. He has secured our eternity if we put our trust in Him. With Him, we shall have eternal life free of suffering and pain.

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the gift we have received from Christ until we go to be with Him. The way we view the Holy Spirit will dictate how we relate to Him and get guidance for our lives.


We are called by God to differentiate ourselves from the world in which we live. We can be different if our conversations alone show grace to others. This is multiplied much more if we show grace in our actions, as well. Grace is given to us new each day so we can steward it well and give it to others. What will you do with grace? What do you do when you see somebody else receive grace when you don’t think they deserve it?


Faith is the hope in things unseen. This week, Pastor Doug teaches that faith will require that we trust in a great Father, especially when we are facing trials in our lives.


As we cannot come together physically, we need to remember that the church is not the building, but the people of God. We are the living embodiment of Jesus in our world.


This week, Pastor Ben challenges us to look into our spheres of influence and embrace the leadership roles to which God has called us.


Pastor Doug will be continuing our "What You Think Matters" series, sharing about Easter and the Kingdom.


Join us as we worship Jesus and celebrate the empty tomb!

God’s Will

This week, Pastor Doug takes us through what it means to live in God’s will. We can be unsure of the outcome, but we can always know that God is in control and works all things out for our good and for His glory.

God’s Design

Uncertainty may bring fear to our lives. We need to trust that God is in control of His creation, as He has been from the Garden of Eden. Pastor Doug challenges us to put our fear of God ahead of the fear we have of our circumstances.


Jesus is to be our pattern for our lives. He easily could have gotten Himself out of the pain He went through on the cross. Instead, He knew that the needs of other people far exceeded His own desires. Therefore, we are to have the same mindset, and be obedient to loving others.


Mother’s Day is a day not only to show appreciation for our mothers, but it is also a day to remember that we are called to honor our mothers. Pastor Ben shows us how we can honor God by honoring our mothers.