May 31, 2020 to September 20, 2020
The gospel of Mark takes a concise and practical approach to the ministries of Christ. In this series, we are challenged to look at our lives and apply the teachings of Jesus to our modern culture.
Mark 5
Jesus overcame several barriers to save a man who needed Christ. Many people would have said the man could not have been saved, and would not have wanted him to be saved. The largest impact we can show the world is a changed life. After Jesus changes a life, people should want to stay with Him all the time. However, a changed life is called to tell everybody around about Christ in their lives.
Mark 7
Pastor Doug shows us that Jesus spoke mainly to three groups of people - the large crowd that followed Him, the day’s religious leaders, and His disciples. As we look into the seventh chapter of Mark, we see Jesus’s scolding the religious leaders for putting importance on tradition instead of seeking the Father with their hearts.
Mark 9
Many times in life, we can find ourselves in a position where we want to skip some of the steps that God has planned for us. This week, Pastor Doug takes us through Mark 9, and how Jesus needed to continually tell the disciples that we need to go through certain stages in our walks with Him in order to get to where we should be.
Mark 14 - Part II
As we begin to get to the end of Jesus's life on Earth, Pastor Doug shows that the lives of the disciples were turning upside down. Through chaotic times in our lives, we need to remember that our Lord is not only in control, but has also planned out everything we see going on around us.
Mark 15
As we look into the last moments of the ministry of Jesus, we are reminded how He knows the depth of the human condition. As the weight of sin's history is placed on him, He cries out to the Father, and even the Roman centurion is moved. Are we living our lives to show outsiders the perfection and love of the Father, as well?