September 19, 2019 to December 1, 2019
This series takes us through Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia. We are called to see the truth of God’s word and help others to come to life through Christ and the Holy Spirit.
God’s Amazing Grace
Coach/Pastor Doug starts us off this week discussing the importance of alignment, assignment, and technique. All three are important during any given football play. In the world, however, assignment and technique are often highlighted and alignment is forgotten. We need to make sure not only that we do the right thing in the world and in the right way, but we also need to make sure that our alignment is with the Father.
Gospel Unity
The early church had a crisis of faith, where Paul had to stand up for the truth of the gospel. For our salvation, Christ’s resurrection is the only work we can rely upon. Paul had to convince the Galatian church that we do not need anything else once we align ourselves with Christ. This alignment had brought unity to the dispute in the church.
In today’s church, having unity with Christ will also bring unity with the entire body of Christ. We are called to stand together, being rooted in the Father’s will - even if we have different callings.
Living In Line With the Gospel
Since Jesus died for us, we are to live in His holiness. Holiness means that there is no division between our sacred and secular lives. How, then, do we treat those we consider to be outsiders to our lives? How do we treat our brothers and sisters in Christ when we see them throughout the week outside of church?
Two Religions, Two Ministries
When Paul was writing to the church in Galatia, many of the church members had been worshiping pagan gods. Whether we need encouragement and motivation to stay with Christ, or if we are following and relying on something else to make our lives worthwhile, we have our only hope in Jesus alone.
Grace To the Barren
Abram and Sarai did not wait on the promise of God, and decided to take matters into their own hands. Similarly, the church in Galatia was trying to add to the Lord’s promise. We are called to live in the freedom that God has given to us as a child of His promise. His promise is a grace that we could not manufacture, earn, or even think of.
Gospel Character
As Christians, we should strive to be more like Christ. Although we will never achieve this perfection during this lifetime, we are to be aware of our thoughts and actions. We will constantly face a struggle of what we actually do and what we truly want to do. As we practice discipline in our lives, we will become more and more like our savior.